Haiti - Bicycle Program
The program goal is to assist subsistence farmers with bicycle transportation for various productive purposes. Some examples include –
1. Delivering milk to local markets
2. Delivering farm produce to local markets
3. Haulage of water from community wells or a local river for their gardens
4. Transportation for trades people to their place of work
5. Transportation of farmers to their gardens & farm animals which are often some distance from their homes
6. Transportation for retailers of goods that are purchased wholesale in the market and resold retail at roadside stands etc.
The photo gallery includes pictures of bicycle repair training session for those interested in earning a livelihood providing bicycle repairs services in their respective communities.
The program is led by a team of volunteers from Burlington Canada. They coordinate their training and repair initiatives with local bicycle repair technicians. To date, over 100 bicycles have been deployed for various purposes as outlined above.
The average cost of a bicycle including servicing is US$ 50/ bicycle including shipping costs from Canada in container lots. Bicycles are sold to farmers based on what has been determined they can afford to pay .. US$25. This provides a farmer with a helping hand up and creates a sense of value. Selling the bicycles as opposed to providing a “hand out” also helps to preserve the buyers self esteem and dignity.
Impact Assessment: A survey of farmers has indicated that the program has been very successful. There are many testimonials of how a bicycle has helped to improve a farmer’s livelihood. The demand for bicycles is far greater than what we can currently supply.
How you can help
1. Provide funding for bicycle purchases
2. Join one of our periodic Teams and help us service and deploy bicycles to farmers.